Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Practice Reader Response 2

In Euromonitor International’s “Global digital divide persists but is narrowing”, it describes digital divide as a occurrence due to a difference in internet access and usage across the world (Euromonitor International, 2011). Although consumers in developed countries are much more connected, growth rates are much better in developing countries. There is great progress among developing regions in terms of access to and usage of broadband internet. However, developing countries still lack far behind developed countries in this area. In aspects of businesses and spending, developed markets have the largest market sizes because internet businesses here are more viable. However, developing countries have growth potential. State led investments in IT infrastructure plays a major role in shaping and narrowing digital divide, and this gives rise to various social, political and economic impact as a result of this narrowing digital divide.

I strongly agree that the narrowing digital divide has social, cultural and economic impact. The advent of technology, coupled with the emergence and access to internet access across developing and developed regions, has connected us in more ways than ever. According to the article, the narrowing digital divide has “arguably add to a social and cultural globalization…access a wider choice of things like music, entertainment, brands and products” (Euromonitor International, 2011). As I reside in school compounds during term time, I become occupied with assignments from time to time. As a result, I find it a chore to leave school and shop. Instead, I access online blog-shops as well as internet companies such as Amazon or Ebay to shop. In addition to shopping I am exposed to a myriad of products of different culture, especially from the United States. The emergence of the internet, as such, has given me the ease of global shopping from the comfort of my residential college.

Euromonitor International (2011) highlights how communication between individuals, through social media, has advanced in new ways. In year 2010, I was part of a team involved in the engagement of people with disabilities, and their families, across rural villages in Baray district, Cambodia. As technology became more advanced within that region, the locals actively initiated to exchange Facebook contacts with our team. Back in Singapore, the use of Facebook has allowed us to keep in contact more conveniently. I remember that our communication through Facebook allowed me to learn about the natural disasters they faced as well as the passing on of one of their villagers, who was one of the beneficiaries we engaged with during our time there. Indeed, the narrowing digital divide has helped cement communication in a global world, thereby giving rise to a exchange in culture and information of an immense level.

Euromonitor International. (2011, February 11).Global digital divide persists but is narrowing. Retrieved from http://blog.euromonitor.com/2011/02/global-digital-divide-persists-but-is-narrowing-1.html

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